Making Your Own Microbiome Mash!
Are you a creature of habit? Do you typically eat the same 3-10 veggies every month, maybe tossing in a seasonal berry or two when you visit the farmer’s market? Or are you heavier into the fruit rather than the veggies? Maybe you’re a picky eater and your diet is more limited by your taste buds. Or sadly, you have food allergies or sensitivities that limit what you can consume, and your feeling unwell when you do consume a food that doesn’t agree has got you gun shy for trying outside of your “safe” foods. Kiddos are also limited by the veggies that we call “french fries, potato chips and ketchup (okay, a fruit base, but you know where I’m going with this). And parents, I get it…your kids sneers and wrinkled noses at new foods on their plate to expand their palette is usually met with push back, so why even try anymore? Who is this for? EVERYONE…but especially those with ANY health issues and certainly those who have known digestive issues.
I get it, I’m one of those “habit” creatures too, and kale and I don’t get along, but I know it’s good for me so I should eat it. Enter the “microbiome mash”! Our unique microbiome, those bacteria that live in our gut and have so much influence on ALL areas of our health from our immunity to our mood and everything in between, need to have a large variety of “foods” for them to feed on in order to function optimally in your body. Let’s face it, the Standard North American Diet is lacking….greatly. This mash, which consists of about 30 different foods from mushrooms, brassica veggies (enter brussel sprouts and broccoli for example), leafy greens, berries and root veggies are a great way to boost the biome and get your gut and subsequently YOU feeling at you best! Without this foundation (your gut) in a healthy state, you’re fighting an uphill battle (through the snow and blizzard conditions) with many or all of the others areas of health in your body; physical, mental, emotional…for reals!
You can find out how to make this wonderful mash, how to store it and eat from it every day, so that you’ll get your 30+ superfoods into your gut without having to eat a kale, turnip and radish salad. You can add your mash to your smoothies, your soups, stews, chilis, sauces and more…get creative on where you can put it without even knowing it’s there.