

Ready to Explore the Shaklee website?  Click here.  Otherwise scroll to enjoy a bit about specific Shaklee Health and Wellness products.

We are in your corner to help you thrive, let us help you!  Set up a 45 minute time slot online to discuss what’s important to you. Simply contact me.


All Shaklee Products

High quality nutritional supplements that are proven and backed by science, non-toxic and environmentally safe cleaners for your home, anti-aging skin and body care, gentle baby care and water purification systems.

The Shaklee Difference® and Philosophy

  • Safe
    • 3x US Pharmacopeia standards (USP)
    • 350+ harmful contaminant tests
    • Over 100K quality tests are run annually
    • Our products are beyond organic
  • Proven
    • 100+ patents/pending
    • 100+ published clinical studies on our products
    • Millions of healthy & happy customers
  • Guaranteed
    • We stand behind our products with a 100% money-back guarantee – no questions asked.  Even if the product is used up.
  • Philosophy
    • Since 1956, when Dr. Shaklee started it all, we’ve been creating breakthrough products for nutrition, body and home.  Inspired by nature and proven by science, we are committed to giving every person the products and tools they need to live their healthiest lives.
    • Everything we create is Safe, Proven and Guaranteed.
    • We build sustainability into everything we do.  That’s why we became the first company in the world to fully offset our carbon emissions.  And why every product we make and everything we do is to ensure the health and longevity of people and the planet.  We believe that together, we can create a healthier world.


Uniquely customized personal nutrition from Meology™ to take the guesswork out of which supplements are best for you.

  • Me+ology ~ Nutrition made personal! Welcome to precisely personalized nutrition that assesses 1,000+ factors to reveal what you need and why, while taking out the confusion around what to supplement. No blood or saliva testing, simply take an online assessment. Your Meology recommendations are personalized by: your age, gender, and life stage, health goals, diet preferences and sensitivities, current state of health, lifestyle including exercise, medications, family health history, and how everything listed affects each other! If you have questions or wish to order, contact Anke for a personalized private consultation after you take your free Meology assessment here. If you’d like to order on your own, please do so by accessing Meology here. You can order just the Meology supplement pack, or order a more comprehensive plan called the Meology Prove It Challenge which is the better value. Both are fully guaranteed.

Prove It Challenge™

In just 30 days, feel HEALTHIER, more ENERGIZED, more FOCUSED, and ready to take on anything life throws your way.  Ready to Prove It for yourself?  Take the Shaklee Prove It Challenge!  Start with a fully supported 7 Day Healthy Cleanse (recipes, a menu plan plus Anke’s daily support!), followed by 30 days of targeted nutrition with either MeOlogy or our Vitalizer strip plus one plant based meal replacement shake.  All of it fully guaranteed so you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to win!

One of the happy many with the Prove it Challenge!

“I would like to give a positive recommendation to the Shaklee Prove it Challenge and my Shaklee support coach Anke Johnson.  By a chance meeting at a grocery store my wife and I observed all the healthy food items that were in her cart.  We also learned from Anke about Shaklee’s Prove it Challenge that was just about to being.  Week one was a 7 day Healthy Cleanse eating 2/3 vegetables and 1/3 fruit along with a.m. and p.m. supplement packs. I was apprehensive about the cleanse because I have tried numerous diets and failed miserably.  The cleanse helps to completely reset your system (gut flora and detoxing) and then days 8-30 you drink a plant based protein shake and take a Vitalizer strip of vitamins and minerals as one of your daily meals.  This is where my eating habits of 67 years did a complete flip with Anke’s support and Shaklee’s program.  I found the cleanse week very  satisfying eating only vegetables and fruit and my biggest reset was that I no longer was having cravings for the typical processed foods and white sugars that made up a good portion of my daily meals.  Anke called and texted to lend support and even though I got shaky for a few hours on two of the days she suggested drinking the plant based protein shakes which got me through those moments.  Once you start focusing more on a plant based meal plan I recognized that my body was getting good calories that it had always been searching for.  My second and third meal is protein based (some meat) but I’m much more aware of making better healthy food choices.  Tomorrow is my 3 month anniversary from the start of the cleanse and I’m 20 pounds lighter, have more focus, energy and the bad cravings have disappeared!  I plan on trying to drop another 15 pounds with a second cleanse in March and continually stay on the plant based protein shake as one of my daily meals.  Anke has a Facebook support group that shares recipes, mentors those on the cleanse, keeps in touch via texts to see how you are doing and keeps you informed on other Shaklee products that will benefit your health.  On a chance meeting three months ago with Anke my outlook towards healthy eating flipped to a positive consistent way of looking at food that truly benefits what the body needs.  Give Anke a call and give the Shaklee Prove It Challenge a go to restart your system for better health!”   -Tim Blessing

The Landmark Study

The UC Berkeley Landmark Health Study, a 10 year study focused on health biomarkers such as heart health, brain and cognitive health and inflammatory processes in the body.  In the 10 year, category-defining Landmark Health Study, UC Berkeley researchers found that Shaklee supplement users dramatically improved their health biomarkers, proving that changing brands CAN change lives.

  • 11% LOWER cholesterol tartios-a key marker for cardiovascular health.
  • 33% LOWER levels of Triglycerides, a critical biomarker for heart health.
  • 36% LOWER levels of Homocysteine, an indicator of brain and cognitive health.
  • 59% LOWER levels of C-Reactive Protein, a key biomarker for long-term biological stress

Other Shaklee Resources

  • Naturally” Shaklee Blog-Rich with recipes, nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness information.  Don’t forget to bookmark this gem!
  • Shaklee~ Shaklee website for product information and all things Shaklee. “Prove it Challenge” found here.
    • Better Health in 31 Days ~Information is power, and this is where you’ll find all kinds of it! Whether you’re looking to educate yourself on a specific health issue, or just curious about learning more in general, this is a great place to start. Plus, if you’re a Shaklee member and enthusiastic about learning, try our “Learn and Earn” program through this site to earn up to $100 towards products of your choice!
    • Forward and Up Facebook Page. Join this page to get up to date information on coaching, Shaklee, health topics, and general light-hearted messages to help you live your best life.
    • Holly Jolly no gain Folly Facebook Group (Seasonal). Actively running now through February 16th, 2020. Seasonally from October through February every year. Join a fun group of like minded individuals who want to mitigate the holiday stress and overindulging and replace it with positive daily messages to keep you feeling holly and jolly in mind, body and spirit!
    • Activate Health Living Facebook Page (by invitation only) ~ a fantastic resource that shares quick, useful and informative tips on how to use Shaklee products and their best uses! Contact us to be invited to the group.
    • Our Be Well, Get Well, Stay Well. Sign up here, and access past copies Monthly Newsletter

Team Forward and Up~Our team of Shaklee Wellness experts!

  • Team Forward and Up ~ Our Shaklee Team member page for distributors and for anyone who wishes to learn about the Shaklee business opportunity.
    • Craft a Better Life Facebook Page (by invitation only) ~ A resource page for distributors and above to help build their business, and by default craft a better life for them and for those who they serve. Contact us to be invited to the group.
    • Better Future Starts Today ~ If you enjoy education about health, and you love the Shaklee products, you may wish to learn more about what a Shaklee business can mean in your life. Contact Anke to discuss more. There’s absolutely no pressure or expectation, just exploration into what owning your own business may look like specifically for you and if Shaklee is the right company for you to partner with.
    • Team Forward and Up Facebook page (by invitation only) ~ A resource page for updated business information for all Team Forward and Up entrepreneurs. Contact us to be invited to the group.